
Silverstone Heritage Ltd, the charity behind Silverstone Museum, is committed to ensuring it is as accessible as possible to all visitors.

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Ticketing Information

We offer free Carer tickets to those with valid proof and ID, and accept a variety of documents. 

Tickets can either be added during the online booking process, or added at the Ticket Desk on the day of your visit. 

We accept the National Disability Card, National Carers Card and Access/Nimbus Card as proof of eligibility, as well as DLA/PIP letters, Doctor’s Notes, and Blue Badges.

The white National Disability Card logo, featuring an abstract illustration of a wheelchair user reaching towards a large check mark.  The white National Carers Card logo, featuring a white heart outline with a medical cross in the centre, and a large white checkmark.

We're delighted to be partnered with Welco.Me, the secure way to share your accessibility preferences to make your upcoming visit as seamless as possible. 

Please complete the form below to let us know how we can make your visit as accessible as it is thrilling, and a member of the team will be in touch.

Low Revs Promo

Low Revs - Sensory Friendly Sessions

Silverstone Museum offers relaxed opening hours for visitors with neurodiverse conditions and other sensory processing difficulties, and their families/carers.

The museum will welcome visitors with understanding staff, reduced visitor numbers, low sound levels, minimised visuals, and increased lighting.

Please be aware that the café will not be available during this time.  

For further information or if you have any questions, please contact

We were delighted to welcome Nick Wilson, Disability Advocate to Silverstone Museum to put our accessibility to the test. You can watch and listen to his thoughts below:

Information to help you plan your visit


Museum entrance and exit

Most visitors to Silverstone Museum will enter from the dedicated car park. Most visitors enter the exhibition through the doors on the left at the front of the building, opposite the car park. During busy race weekends visitors may enter the museum through the rear doors of the building next to the café. Please be prepared to scan your ticket.

If you require assistance or the entrance into the Museum poses an accessibility barrier, please let our uniformed staff know and they'll be happy to assist you.


Security, bag searches and large luggage

We conduct bag checks on arrival for everyone's safety and security. Silverstone Museum reserves the right to refuse entry if guests do not agree to a bag search. Please have any bags open and ready to be searched upon entry to the Museum. A list of our prohibited items can be found below:

  • Bags over 20 litre capacity
  • Glass bottles and glass containers
  • BBQs
  • Restricted and illegal substances
  • Offensive weapons
  • Items that are deemed dangerous, offensive or unsuitable
  • Drones or remote-controlled aircraft
  • Lasers
  • Fireworks / pyrotechnics
  • Any items which might be subject to ambush marketing
  • Smoke canisters  
  • Tents and shelters
  • Four-wheeled carry carts
  • Powered scooters (excluding disability scooters) or hover boards
  • Electric cycles 
  • Sun parasols
  • Alcohol
  • No animals, except Guide Dogs
  • No bicycles
  • Any item, which in the opinion of Silverstone Heritage Ltd, may be used for the purpose of protest within the venue, including, but not limited to, flags, clothing, or any other item for the purpose of locking on.



There is a large, dedicated car park available for visitors to Silverstone Museum. Parking is free of charge and has ample space for coaches. The main car park has an even surface and no height restriction. There are 6 designated parking bays for blue badge holders. On busy days, additional parking for other visitors may be on less even ground. There is a drop-off zone.

We do not currently have any Electric Vehicle charging points.



We offer free carer admission for one assisting companion. Free admission for assisting companion is only available for standard admission. You may be asked for proof of disability allowance. The area is well lit and has a shop, café and toilets.


The museum site

Silverstone Museum is located on the complex, adjacent to Silverstone Circuit. There are activities on track most days. You may encounter racing noises coming from the back of the building and if you go outside. Exhibits are displayed in one building, a restored aircraft hangar, which has 2 floors. This building is around 40m long.



Moving around the building


Wheelchair use

Silverstone Museum is fully accessible to wheelchairs. Wheelchairs are available for loan from Silverstone Museum. There is no charge, but visitors are asked to reserve a wheelchair prior to visiting by emailing



The route between the building and the car park has an even surface. You must cross an internal perimeter road. If you choose to take advantage of the Heritage Track Trail to the rear of Silverstone Museum, some parts of the terrain are quite steep and can be stoney and grassy where there isn’t a tarmac path.


Way into the exhibition

The entrance to the exhibition is on the first floor via stair access, although a lift is available. The exhibition is on level terrain across two floors via stair access, with a lift available for transition between the exhibition floors. Light levels are quite low with a lot of audio visuals.


Exhibition space description

A full description of the exhibition space and what to expect can be downloaded here.


Accessibility around Silverstone Museum building


Quieter times

The museum normally welcomes fewer visitors in the afternoon, especially during term time. Please be aware of the museum last entry times if you choose to visit later in the day. These can be found on our website.


Museum Map

          View the Silverstone Museum map here before visiting.

Quieter areas

The audio within the exhibition space is loud in places and cannot be reduced. The Mezzanine (if available) and Café are generally quieter areas.

Relaxed opening evenings, named Low Revs sessions, are offered throughout the year for those with sensory needs. Please look on Silverstone Museum social media & our website for information.



Toilets, including wheelchair-accessible facilities, are available throughout the site, on both floors, with a Changing Places facility on the ground floor.


Eating and Drinking

The café is located on the ground floor at the rear. It offers hot food, as well as sandwiches and cakes. In the café, refreshments are chosen at the accessible counter. Staff are friendly will bring your order to your table on request.

The cafe is well-lit and has ample room for a wheelchair to manoeuvre. Tables and chairs are not permanently fixed, and staff are willing to move them to suit your needs.



Seating is provided throughout the exhibition and café/shop areas.


First aid

Designated staff are trained in First Aid and there is a fully functioning Medical Centre on Silverstone Circuit site.


Emergency procedures

Our staff are trained for emergency situations and will provide assistance. Fire alarms have loud sounders and marshals will clear the building in an emergency.

Evac chairs are placed at the top of fire escape stairwells, and staff are trained in using this equipment.

We are proud to provide Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEPs) to guests who may have difficulty responding to a fire alarm or escaping from a building unaided, in the event of an emergency. Please ask a member of team at the Ticket Desk when you arrive and we will be happy to provide this document for you.


Guide and assistance dogs

We welcome all registered guide dogs, hearing dogs and medical alert dogs into the attraction. If you wish to bring an assistance dog with you for your visit, please ensure you have formal identification for the dog with you such as any relevant documentation or jacket. We ask that if you would like to take part in the Heritage Track Trail that you contact us via so that we can make special arrangements with the circuit team.


Blind, deaf and hard of hearing visitors



The majority of film presentations at Silverstone Museum have subtitles.


Transcript booklets

Audio points featuring oral history clips and stories told by narrator in the RAF area are supported with transcript booklets available at the admissions desk.


Blind and partially sighted visitors


We seek to make the collection and exhibitions accessible to all visitors through the use of a wide range of multi-sensory media. We recommend that blind and partially sighted visitors are accompanied by a sighted companion to gain the most from their visit.


There are objects to handle in a number of areas in the exhibition. We request that areas with preventative barriers are respected.

Large Print

Information about most exhibits is printed in font size 36, labels slightly smaller. In some areas, object labels are available in large print books which can be borrowed from the ticket desk.


Visitors with Special Educational Needs


Visual guide

A visual guide is available to help visitors plan and navigate the museum, which can be downloaded here.


Educational visits

Our Learning team runs formal and informal educational activities throughout the year for school and other formal education groups. Our workshops can be adapted to ensure that they are accessible to all visitors. Please contact our Learning Team directly at


Relaxed opening

Relaxed opening events are offered throughout the year for those with sensory needs, called Low Revs Sessions. Please look on Silverstone Museum website and social media for available dates.

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